Oct 10, 2018
John Praleston
Last year at Maker Faire we brought an arcade motorcycle that controlled a remote-controlled car. This car would be viewed from a virtual reality headset that streamed from a mounted camera. This is the continuation of that project.
The first step to adding to this project was to refinish and make the second arcade motorcycle rideable.
I started by removing all the components.
They were sanded down and prepped for the white basecoat.
After painting the white basecoat, I taped them off and painted the inverted color scheme of the first motorcycle. I reassembled the bike (blue on top) and compared it to the original one (white on top).
I proceeded to redesign the remote controlled car to have a custom chassis and wheels. Using Solidworks, I designed tires to be printed in Ninjaflex, a two part chassis (due to limitation of print bed), as well as wheels both printed from PLA. Each tire took 24 hours to print due to the slow print speed and size of them. The chassis went through a few changes due to issues with printing and fitment.
I started by printing a test fit bracket for the car body.
This is version 1 of the chassis.
The problems that arose from V1 were that the wheel arches stood too high, it was a complex 3 piece design, and the extrusions for mounting onto the body were too fragile. Also the area to tighten the nut for the wheels was too tight for a socket, so I opened it up a bit. I went through the chassis and marked all the places that could use updating and resketched a version 2.
This is version 2 – it printed well and worked with the wheels.
Over the next week or so, I should have it wired up and tested so I can print another for the second car.